Join other Caregivers and Sequel Makers for a night filled with laughter!
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Who can participate in Stevie Ray's Improv?
This is for men 18 an older who are Caregivers or Sequel Makers.
When is Stevie Ray's Improv?
Friday, November 17th at 8pm
Where is Stevie Ray's Improv?
Stevie Ray's Improv Company (Located inside Chanhassen Dinner Theater)
501 W. 78th St Chanhassen, MN 55317
Cost to participate in Stevie Ray's Improv
- Free
Hungry for more details about Stevie Ray's Improv?
So maybe laughter is not the BEST medicine... but the healing properties of laughter and the kindhearted tenants of improvisation changed Jeff Myhre's life forever. For straight up improv in in the Twin Cities Stevie Ray's Improv Theater is simply the best. Although the show in interactive, dragging someone up on stage from the audience is not their thing... they have a surplus of audience members who shout out suggestions and desperately want to accompany the actors onstage. Come join us on Friday November 17th before Holiday Madness hits for some drinks that might just come up out your nose. Food and drinks will be provided by Jack's and tickets are provided by Stevie Ray.
Are you a caregiving guy who is ready to take a break for the day?
Join other guys like you for this awesome opportunity for fun and food!
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